Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I have a fear of failure.  I always have.  It's not something I'm proud of...actually I'm very embarrassed about it.  But I think one of the ways to get over my fear and move forward is to talk about it.

Last week I was doing my usual practicing standing on the ball, and for the first time in a very long time, I fell...I fell HARD.  However, I got right back up and tried again.  That didn't scare me.
Here's what does scare me...not being in good enough shape for my next show.  This time around with the diet has been VERY difficult for me, and every time I veer off track, instead of getting right back up and getting on the "ball" per-say, I beat myself up.  And I'm not doing any good doing that.  I need to learn to if I "fall", get right back up and keep on kicking.  No one can do it for me.  It's just me.  And realize I'm not perfect (trust me, far from it), and I need to stop striving for "perfection".....NO SUCH THING.  I need to continue to pray and hand it over to God.  Whenever I hand it over, things just seem to fall into place:).  My personal goal this week: if I fall, just get right back up....No one said it was an easy road.

Think I'm going to incorporate some more tire work this week!  Tire flips, drags, jumps, hammer much you can do with a tire:0).

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Stephanie! Very inspiring post! :) I know you can do it!
