Thursday, May 24, 2012

Getting to the 'CORE'...

Let me start off by saying no matter how much core work you do, that lean sexy stomach first and foremost comes from DIET, then Cardio, and then not only core exercises, but total body exercises.  With that being said, I would be lying if I said I didn't love feeling that burn in my stomach when doing core, and I always love to try new things.  I have sooooo many core exercises in my brain, that it was hard for me to organize it all.  So I've narrowed it down to what I've been doing lately, and also some of my all time favorite moves...

1. While on a free motion resistance machine, put the arms on the lowest setting, wtih an ankle strap as the attachment.  Doing a side plank, strap your top foot in, and pull your elbow to your knee simultaneously.  The weight should be somewhat light, since you're shooting for 20 reps. Switch sides.

(This is a free motion machine)

2.  I was shown this one a couple weeks ago, and I've loved it ever since.  It looks odd and you will look funny doing it, but it's effective!
On this particular machine of precor cardio equipment, start by putting your HANDS on the foot pedals.  Start pedaling up and down (it's a bit hard to get it going at first, but once you do it gets easier).
Keep moving the pedals with your hands for 30 seconds-1minute.  You will absolutely feel this in your obliques (and also your shoulders).

3.  Hanging Leg Raises!  These are extremely effective and also challenging:
Note: The less your body swings when you raise your legs, the more activated your core will be

4.  Weighted Alligator crawls:
With a 25 lb Plate on a towel, put your toes in the holes of the plate, and start walking with your hands, dragging the weight behind you....Go til burnout....(You will LOVE these;)).

5. ABC's! 
On a stability ball, start in a plank position on your elbows, hands together.  Start tracing your ABC's, all the way to Z.  You will hit alot of different angles 'writing' all the letters.

6. Bicycle v-ups:
These are your typical bicycle crunches, but instead of bending the legs, keep them straight the entire time, lifting them up and down (kind of like scissor kicks with a bicycle crunch)

7. Fetal crunches:
These are pretty self explanatory from the picture, and I use pretty heavy weight!
Try to touch your elbows to your knees each rep.  Reps of 20-25

8. Medicine ball mountain climbers:
Hands on a weighted medicine ball, and then proceed to do mountain climbers for 30 seconds-1 minute.  This will hit your core and also raise your heartrate. 

Here's a good start to some of my favorite core exercises!!  But trust me there will be more to come over the months!!!  Have fun trying some new things, and if there are any questions or suggestions please let me know!!


  1. LOVE #2 also! I called em Piston Push-ups :)

  2. Thank you so very much for the core workouts. I am definitely in need of some new ones to try. I have a question about #5. What body part are we using to write the ABC's? With the ball? Sorry, it's late and my brain isn't working at full capacity right now. :)

    1. Haha sorry Jacque I should've been more clear: You 'write' the letters with your arms on the ball. The ball will move as you try to trace the letters
